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Syntero Inc.

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Syntero Inc.

Syntero, Inc. aims to advocate and support the health and well-being of individuals, families and communities by providing professional, compassionate behavioral health and social services that adapt to the changing needs of the community. The Centers for Disease Control recommend students learn 16 critical Sexual Health Topics, yet only ½ of high schools and ⅕ of middle schools teach the topics.
The Healthy Bodies, Healthy Futures program is funded by the ADAMH Board of Franklin County through Syntero, Inc.  This program is offered to all community members and is free of charge.  Contact us for more information or scheduling. Guided by the National Health Education Standards for sexual health educators, the Healthy Bodies, Healthy Futures program uses an evidence-based approach to cover several essential topics and key indicators: creating healthy and respectful relationships; benefits of being sexually abstinent; communication and negotiation skills; goal-setting and decision-making skills; influences of family, peers, media, and technology on sexual behavior; how HIV and other STIs are transmitted; health consequences of STIs and unplanned pregnancy; support to avoid or reduce sexual risk behaviors; benefits of limiting number of sexual partners; efficacy of condoms; importance of using condoms consistently and correctly; benefits of using a condom at the same time as another form of contraception; how to obtain condoms and correctly use condoms; how to access reliable information, products, and services related to HIV, STIs, and pregnancy; preventive care necessary to maintain reproductive and sexual health.

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Syntero Inc.

3645 Ridge Mill Dr, Hillard, OH 43026


Mon. - Thur. : 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM


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