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Netcare Access

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#Health & Social Services

Netcare Access

Netcare helps people in need of behavioral healthcare and emotional support by providing comprehensive, evidence-based services needed to attain recovery and maintain well-being. We also help the courts and community agencies by providing professional evaluations and assessments for those that need them.

In the event of a crisis, you can call 614-276-CARE (2273) and speak with a licensed clinician, 24/7/365.

If you are concerned about a friend, family member or individual we offer specialized services for mental health and substance use, including:
- ROW One, a mobile intervention service designed to transport publicly intoxicated persons off the streets to a place of safety and shelter. Call 614-276-CARE to be connected to this program.
Community Mobile Team pair a licensed mental health clinician with a peer support specialist offering clinical expertise and lived experience support for each individual in a mental health or substance use crisis. Call 614-276-CARE to be connected to this program. Hours: Monday-Sunday 10AM-9PM
- Probate Pre-Screening is for adults in the community that may be experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis and are not seeking treatment voluntarily and their is a concern about the individual's safety. The program is staffed Monday- Saturday 8AM - 8PM and Sunday 10AM - 8PM. Call 614-276-CARE for more information.

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Netcare Access

199 S. Central Ave, Columbus, OH 43223


Mon. - Fri. : 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM


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